Sunday, April 26, 2020

Jfk Assassination Witnesses In The Motorcade Essays - Bouvier Family

Jfk Assassination Witnesses In The Motorcade Motorcade Witnesses On November 22, 1963 John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, was assassinated in Dallas, Texas. President Kennedy rode in the back of an open top limousine through the downtown area of Dallas. Thousands of people lined the designated route of the planned motorcade, hoping to catch a glimpse of their President. As the motorcade slowed to its end, traveling through Dealy Plaza, shots resonated through the city, and through the hearts of the American public, ultimately killing the beloved JFK. Immediately, secret service men rushed the President to Parkland Hospital, desperately hoping to save his life. The doctors' efforts were futile; within an hour, the President was proclaimed dead. A great deal of controversy surrounds the case. A government appointed investigation team, the Warren Commission, published their conclusions in a book called The Warren Report. Their conclusions remain the American Government's official stance on the case. Today, there are as many critics of The Warren Report as there are believers. The witnesses and their testimonies who participated in the motorcade provide compelling evidence towards theories that do not all support the Warren Report's conclusions. The author Gerald Posner who wrote Case Closed, a book that supports the Warren Report's theories, prints conclusions that are also found to be questionable after strictly reviewing the testimonies of the involved parties from the motorcade. At 11:40am C.S.T., Air Force One landed at Dallas Love Field Airport. The vice-president's plane, Air Force Two, arrived about five minutes earlier. A sizable, but controllable crowd gathered to welcome the President and wave him off as the motorcade began its trip through Dallas. The motorcade traveled at about 25-30 mph as it proceeded to the pre-arranged route. As the motorcade entered the downtown area of Dallas, the crowds began to thicken and the motorcade slowed down. There were no reported irregularities as the motorcade made its way through the crowded downtown streets, except for two short stops in which the President requested. One, to shake a little girl's hand, and the other to briefly greet a nun, leading a group of children. Everything was going accordingly as they headed west on Main towards Dealy Plaza. At Houston, the motorcade turned right and headed north towards Elm St. Several vehicles, beginning with a large group of Dallas Police Department motorcycles preceded the President's car. They traveled several minutes ahead of him. Behind the motorcycles came a pilot car. Several members of the Dallas Police Department manned it. Their job was to check for signs of unusual activity, or anything that could be considered threatening to the President. Following the pilot car was another small group of six motorcycles. They served to control the crowd back and away from the presidential limousine. Next came the lead car, which was meant to carefully scan the areas of possible trouble next to and around the motorcade route. It was an unmarked DPD police car, driven by the Dallas Chief of police, Jesse Curry (Crossfire 9). Secret Service agents Forest Sorrels and Winston Lawson as well as Dallas County Sheriff J.E. ?Bill? Decker rode the same car, which led approximately four or five car lengths ahead of the President's limousine, a 1961 custom made, Lincoln convertible (Crossfire 9). Special Agent William Greer drove, and to his right sat Special Agent Roy Kellerman (Crossfire 9). There were two collapsible seats just behind the driver and passenger where Texas Governor John Connally and his wife sat. Governor Connally sat on the passenger side with Mrs. Connally sitting next to him on the driver side of the car. Behind them sat President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. President Kennedy sat on the passenger side of the car behind Governor Connally while his wife sat on the driver side of the car behind Mrs. Connally. Behind the Presidential Limousine drove the follow up car. It held ten people. That day, all but one was a secret service agent. The Vice Presidential car followed next, carrying Lyndon Johnson, his wife, and Senator Ralph Yarborough (Crossfire 10). Eleven vehicles carrying local dignitaries, press, photographers, and White House staff trailed behind them (Crossfire 9-10). As the Presidential limousine made the hard left turn onto Elm, the